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Before you start, read this definitions to help you along your path to auto-fellatio:

FELLATIO – Oral Stimulation of the Penis
FELLATE – To engage or perform fellatio
AUTOFELLATIO – Oral Stimulation of one's own penis as a form of masturbation
AUTOFELLATE – To perform fellatio on one's own penis as a form of masturbation
AUTOSEXUAL – Stimulation of one's own genitals to the point of orgasm. Therefore Autofellatio is a form of Autosexuality
YOGA – A form of physical and mental discipline that originated in India. Most Westerners are familiar with “Hatha” Yoga which is used as a form of relaxation and exercise
YOGAFELLATIO – A term coined that incorporates some Yoga postures to help a man achieve Autofellatio
SPINAL COLUMN – The bones in your back (vertebrae) that protect your spinal cord
FLEXION (In the Spinal Column) – Bringing two parts closer together. In the case of the spinal column, Flexion is an increase in one's ability to bend forward. Bringing your head closer to your penis is a form of flexing the spine
EXTENSION – The opposite of Flexion. Instead of becoming closer, the angle becomes larger or farther away
ROTATION (In the Spinal Column) – Twisting of the trunk in a clockwise (Right Rotation) or counterclockwise (Left Rotation) without Flexion, Extension, or Lateral Flexion

LATERAL FLEXION (In the Spinal Column) – Bending the trunk to one side (as in Right Lateral Flexion) with no Rotation, Flexion, or Extension
VERTEBRAE – The bones that make up your spine. 7 Cervical (Neck), 12 Thoracic (Mid-Back), 5 Lumbar (Lower Back). The Sacrum is made of 5 fused vertebrae and sits between your pelvic bones (Ilia). The Coccyx is the end of the bony spine and is made of 4 fused vertebrae


HUMAN SPINAL COLUMN (Sacrum at bottom)



ARTICULATE – The Movement/motion in a joint. All the vertebrae articulate with another vertebrae – One above and one below – Apart from the First Cervical Vertebrae which articulates with the base of your skull and the Fifth Lumbar Vertebrae which articulates with your Sacrum


HUMAN MALE PELVIS (Sacrum in middle)

PELVIS – The Pelvis is the area which connects the trunk (of your body) to your lower legs. Through Joint Articulation, it allows one to walk, sit, stand, run, jog, and flex the trunk forward and backward (Flexion and Extension). The pelvis allows the legs to articulate through the Femur-Acetabular Joint at the Acetabulum (see next page). Flexion and Extension articulation is possible through the Sacro-Iliac Joints; and Rotation, Flexion, Extension, and Lateral Flexion are possible through articulation of the Lumbo- Sacral Joint (Lumbar Five and the Sacrum)
SACRUM – The 5 fused vertebrae which articulate with your last Lumbar Vertebrae (Lumbar Five) and which sits between your two Ilia and forms another articulation. The sacrum is the central aspect of your boney pelvic structure

ILIA – The two bones on either side of your pelvis (Ilium) that make up your hips
ACETABULUM – The two sockets in your hips. One on the Left and one on the Right. This is where the leg bone (ball) inserts. This is a “ball and socket” joint



The Head of the Femur (leg bone) has the “ball” portion of the joint. It inserts into the Acetabulum which makes up the “socket” portion of your “hip” joint. This is visible in the picture above





All of these bones, joints, and articulations are held together by ligaments:

LIGAMENT – Strong fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone, bone to muscle, etc. This is important to learn and understand. Ligaments are what keeps your joints strong, stable, and functional. If you stretch them out too much they will get ligamentous laxity (loosening of ligaments) and this will compromise their function and your joint stability. Most people when they are interested in Autofellatio and increasing the Flexion of their spinal column think that they will be able to increase their flexibility if they just increase the flexibility of their spine. Nothing is farther from the truth. This is why I've taken the trouble to outline these definitions and show example pictures. We are interested in increasing flexion and mobility in all of these joints:

1) Skull and Neck Articulation (Atlanto-Occipital Joint)
2) Neck (Cervical Vertebrae)
3) Dorsal Spine (Thoracic Vertebrae)
4) Lumbar Spine (Lumbar Vertebrae)
5) Lumbo-Sacral Articulation (Lumbar Five and Sacral One Joint)
6) Sacro-Iliac Articulation (Left and Right Sacro-Iliac Joints)
7) Femur-Acetabular Articulation (Left and Right Hip Joints)

Increasing FLEXIBILITY in these regions Does Not mean we just focus on FLEXION. No. Extension, Rotation, and Lateral Flexion are also needed to increase flexibility of most of the aforementioned joints (but not all).

The biomechanics of the spine include more joints than just the spinal vertebrae. To get the most out of all aspects of increasing flexibility we must target all related joints. For example, The amount of flexibility in the hip joints is one example of the importance of learning these structures. Simply by having hamstrings and calves that are too tight (and need to be stretched) will impede your ability to autofellate.

Learning all of these structures and how they function is paramount in autofellatio. If one just tries to just stretch out the ligaments of their spine, this can cause hypermobility (an unstable spine that moves too much). A much safer and correct approach would be to target all aspects of increasing flexibility through all available joints, ligaments, and muscles so that the biomechanical structures and health of the person is not compromised.



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