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Forum moderator: nutzy, yasash  
Masaj intim la femei
nutzyDate: Friday, 2010-09-03, 13:32:31 | Message # 1
Group: Moderators
Messages: 357
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Provoaca-i orgasm prin masajul tantric al vaginului

Invata masajul tantric al organelor genitale feminine, care deschide portile pentru o noua dimensiune a sexualitatii

Joni este expresia sanscrita pentru vagin. Aceasta este tradusa destul de vag ca "templul sfant". Acest tip de masaj este foarte excitant si relaxant pentru persoana care beneficiaza de el, in timp ce persoana care il realizeaza ia parte la un moment special care creeaza un sentiment minunat de legatura intre parteneri.

Orgasmul nu este scopul masajului, dar este bine venit. Daca apare, de obicei este foarte intens si satisfacator. Scopul masajului nu este sa-i provoci orgasm.

O conditie pentru masaj este spatiul sigur, confortabil si cald. Opreste toate telefoanele, creeaza o atmosfera relaxata, cu muzica in surdina, lumini difuze, lumanari etc. Mergi la toaleta inainte de masaj pentru a nu fi nevoit sa il intrerupi.

Faceti baie sau dus impreuna si apoi aseazati-va confortabil in pat. Imbratisati-va si dezmierdati-va unul pe altul ca de obicei, ca sa creezi senzatia de conectare.

Poti sa iti relaxezi partenera cu un masaj al intregului corp.

Pune-i o perna sub cap, astfel incat sa aiba o vedere buna asupra a ceea ce faci. Pune-i alta perna sub fund, astfel incat yoni sa fie frumos expuse. Stai cu picioarele incrucisate intre picioarele ei departate (poti sa ii pui perne si sub genunchi pentru a o ajuta sa stea si mai confortabil).

Este important sa subliniem faptul ca amandoi trebuie sa respirati profund si intr-un mod relaxat. Vorbeste foarte putin, deoarece gandurile pot indeparta senzatiile simtite in acest caz. Priviti-va in ochi.

Foloseste lubrifiant de calitate sau ulei de masaj, dar unul neparfumat. Uleiul obisnuit pentru copii este perfect.

Tine una din minunile universului in mana ta
Incalzeste uleiul sau lubrifiantul in mainile tale apoi aplica-l pe muntele lui Venus si pe labia majora. Incepe sa le masezi si apoi treci la labia minora. Descrie cercuri pe muntele lui Venus si apasa usor si framanta sau dezmiarda labia. Stimuleaza-i clitorisul cu miscari circulare sau strange-l usor intre doua degete. Trebuie sa fii constient ca acesta este un masaj si ca orgasmul nu este scopul principal.

Cand ai masat suficient muntele lui Venus si labia majora, introdu usor degetul mijlociu de la mana dreapta (aceste este un lucru important in Tantra) in vagin si exploreaza-i interiorul. Fa gestul "vino aici" cu degetul mijlociu in vaginul ei in timp ce mana ta este orientata in sus. Poti impreuna degetul mijlociu cu degetul inelar pentru a exploata zona intima a partenerei.

In cazul in care este de acord, introdu degetul mic in anus - atentie insa sa folosesti suficient lubrifiant si sa fii tandru. Cu degetul mare ii poti masa usor clitorisul.

In termeni tantrici, aceasta practica s-ar numi "tinerea uneia dintre minunile universului in mainile tale".

Nu folosi mana stanga ca sa te dezmierzi pe tine, ci foloseste-o pe corpul partenerei: pe clitoris, pe muntele lui Venus, sani, stomac etc. Rasfat-o!

Un orgasm si ceea ce urmeaza
Daca apare orgasmul, poti fi sigur ca acesta este foarte puternic. Posibil sa apara chiar mai multe.

Unii folosesc acest tip de masaj pentru a elimina anumite blocaje sexuale, astfel incat exista posibilitatea ca partenera ta sa simta senzatii puternice sau chiar sa planga in timpul masajului.

Acesta ar trebui sa dureze atat cat ii face placere partenerei - opreste-te doar atunci cand ea iti cere lucrul asta. In acel moment scoate-ti mana foarte incet si cu grija. Lasa-o sa se bucure de momentul de dupa si in nici un caz nu-i cere instantaneu sa iti ofere ceva in schimb. Asaza-te langa ea si bucurati-va impreuna de acest moment deosebit.


"Unirea dintre barbat si femeie este precum comuniunea dintre Cer si Pamant, iar Cerul si Pamantul dureaza vesnic tocmai datorita acestei comuniuni perfecte. Oamenii au uitat acest secret, devenind muritori. Dar cei ce-l cunosc au deschisa in fata lor adevarata cale spre Nemurire" - Shang-Ku-San-Tai

maximusDate: Saturday, 2010-10-16, 22:44:57 | Message # 2
Group: Support
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Yoni Massage

My wife and I have practised Tantra/Sacred Sex for several years and have received much joy from the techniques and processes. One of my wife's favorite and frequently requested sexual activity is the Yoni Massage. It has greatly expanded our sex life, brought us closer and has given me a greater appreciation of women. We've taught the technique to many of our friends and they too have enjoyed good results from it. I offer it here and hope it enhances your sex life. Enjoy.

Background Information:

Yoni (pronounced YO-NEE) is a Sanskrit word for the vagina that is loosely translated as "Sacred Space" or "Sacred Temple." Its meaning and use is an alternate perspective from the Western view of the female genitals. In Tantra, the Yoni is seen from a perspective of love and respect. This is especially helpful for men to learn.

The purpose of the Yoni Massage is to create a space for the woman (the receiver) to relax, and enter a state of high arousal and experience much pleasure from her Yoni. Her partner (the giver) experiences the joy of being of service and witnessing a special moment. The Yoni Massage can also be used as a form of safer sex (when latex gloves are used) and is an excellent activity to build trust and intimacy. Some massage and sex therapists use it to assist women to break through sexual blocks or trauma.

The goal of the Yoni massage is not orgasm. Orgasm is often a pleasant and welcome side effect. The goal is simply to pleasure and massage the Yoni/vagina. From this perspective both receiver and giver can relax, and not have to worry about achieving something. When orgasm does occur it is usually more expanded, more intense and more satisfying. Orgasm is allowed to happen or not happen. It is also helpful for the giver to not expect anything in return. Just allow the receiver to enjoy the massage and to relax into herself afterwards. Of course, other sexual activity may follow but it should be entirely the receiver's choice. This perspective will build greater intimacy and trust, and will greatly expand your sexual horizons.

Bathing is always helpful as it relaxes both the receiver and giver. A quiet space is desirable with pleasing music, candles, pillows, etc., or whatever makes the participants relax and feel safe. Allow yourself enough time and do not hurry through the process. Go to the bathroom before beginning the massage. The best results will occur when the bowels and bladder are empty and you will avoid the unnecessary experience of interrupting the massage to go to the bathroom. Connect with your partner by hugging, holding, eye gazing (looking into each other's eyes for an extended time), or whatever brings you to a place of safety and relaxation.

Have the receiver lie on her back with pillows under her head so she can look down at her genitals and up at her partner (giver). Place a pillow, covered with a towel, under her hips. Her legs are to be spread apart with the knees slightly bent (pillows or cushions under the knees will also help) and her genitals clearly exposed for the massage. The giver sits cross-legged between the receivers' legs. The giver may wish to sit on a pillow or cushion. This position allows full access to the Yoni and other parts of the body. Before contacting the body, begin with deep, relaxed breathing. Both giver and receiver should remember to keep breathing deeply, slowly and with relaxation during the entire process. The giver will gently remind the receiver to start breathing again if the receiver stops or takes shallower breaths. Deep breathing, not hyperventilating, is very important here.

Gently massage the legs, abdomen, thighs, breasts, etc., to get the receiver to relax and for the giver to prepare for touching the Yoni.

Pour a small quantity of a high-quality oil or lubricant on the mound of the Yoni. Pour just enough so that it drips down the outer lips and covers the outside of the Yoni. (Several excellent sexual lubricants are available for this. Many lingerie shops, sex toy shops, sex magazines, etc., offer these safe lubricants.

CAVEAT - Do not mix oil-based products with latex.

Begin gently massaging the mound and outer lips of the Yoni. Spend some time here and do not rush. Relax and enjoy giving the massage. Gently squeeze the outer lip between the thumb and index finger, and slide up and down the entire length of each lip. Do the same thing to the inner lips of the Yoni/vagina. Take your time.

The receiver can massage her own breasts or may just relax and continue breathing deeply. It is helpful for giver and receiver to look into each other's eyes as much as possible. The receiver can tell the giver if the pressure, speed, depth, etc., needs to be increased or decreased. Limit your speaking and focus on the pleasurable sensations. (It is my experience that too much talking gets one out of their feelings and diminishes the effects.)

Gently stroke the clitoris with clockwise and counter-clockwise circles. Gently squeeze it between thumb and index fingers. Do this as a massage and not to get the receiver off. The receiver will undoubtedly become very aroused but continue to encourage her to just relax and breathe.

Slowly and with great care, insert the middle finger of your right hand into the Yoni (there is a reason for using the right hand as opposed to the left. It has to do with polarity in Tantra). Very gently explore and massage the inside of the Yoni/ vagina with this finger. Take your time, be gentle, and feel up, down and sideways. Vary the depth, speed and pressure. Remember, this is a massage and you're nurturing and relaxing the Yoni. With your palm facing up, and the middle finger inside the Yoni, move the middle finger in a "come here" gesture or crook back towards the palm. You will contact a spongy area of tissue just under the pubic bone, behind the clitoris. This is the G-spot or in Tantra, the sacred spot (there are many excellent books that go into detail about this area). Your partner may feel as if they have to urinate or it may be painful or pleasurable. Again vary the pressure, speed and pattern of movement. You can move side to side, back and forth, or in circles with your middle finger. You can also insert the finger that's between your middle finger and pinky. Check with your partner first before sticking two fingers into them. Most women should have no problem and will enjoy the increased stimulation from two fingers. Take your time and be very gentle. You may use the thumb of the right hand to stimulate the clitoris as well. An option to try if the receiver wants it is to insert the pinky of the right hand into her anus. Ask her first and do not insert your pinky into her Yoni/vagina after it has been in her anus. Use lubrication and be very gentle. (In Tantra, it is said that when your pinky is in her anus, the next finger and middle finger in her Yoni/vagina, and your thumb on her clitoris, "You are holding one of the mysteries of the universe in your hand.") So, what is your left hand doing all this time? You can use it to massage the breasts, abdomen, or clitoris. If you massage the clitoris it's usually best to use your thumb in an up down motion, with the rest of your hand resting on and massaging the mound. The dual stimulation of right and left hands will provide much pleasure for the receiver. I do not recommend using your left hand to touch your own genitals because it may take your focus off the receiver. Remember, this massage is for her pleasure and much of the benefit comes from not only the physical stimulation but the intent as well. Continue massaging, trying different speeds, pressures and motions. Keep breathing and looking into each other's eyes. She may have powerful emotions come up and may cry. Just keep breathing and be gentle. Many women have been sexually abused and need to be healed. A giving, loving and patient partner can be of great value to her.

If she has an orgasm, keep her breathing, and continue massaging if she wants. More orgasms may occur, each gaining in intensity. In Tantra this is called "riding the wave." Many women can learn how to be multi-orgasmic with the Yoni Massage and a very patient partner.

Keep massaging until she tells you to stop. Very slowly, gently, and with respect, remove your hands. Allow her to just lay there and enjoy the afterglow of the Yoni massage. Cuddling or holding is very soothing as well. As you learn to master the Yoni Massage your sex life will be greatly enriched and you will learn a great deal about feminine sexuality.

There is a similar massage for men called the Lingam Massage. Lingam is a Sanskrit word for the penis that means, "Wand of Light."


“Meritul nu constă în a fugi de plăcere, ci în a o întrebuinţa pentru a o stăpâni.” Clement din Alexandria, Stromates XI, 20

riddickDate: Saturday, 2014-06-21, 17:54:26 | Message # 3
Group: Administrators
Messages: 581
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lisa ann massage


Alea iacta est !
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