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yasashDate: Saturday, 2010-07-24, 23:11:20 | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
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V-ati masturbat vreodata impreuna?

Acceptand provocarea masturbarii impreuna nu numai ca vei avea parte de un show live la care ai visat de ceva timp, dar ai si oportunitatea de a invata ceva nou despre partenerul tau. Mai mult, si tu il poti invata lucruri noi. Indrazneste si bucurati-va de masturbare impreuna ori de cate ori doriti, uneori poate doar ca o introducere pentru o noapte lunga de dragoste...

Daca esti tentata sa incerci, tine cont de urmatoarele indicatii:

Asteapta momentul potrivit

Nu te forta sa faci nimic daca nu te simti confortabil. Sa o faceti impreuna poate fi o experienta intima foarte satisfacatoare, dar vorbim totusi despre masturbare, o parte esentiala a intimitatii proprii. In aceste momente poti sa fii tu insati, sa lasi inhibitiile deoparte si sa iti permiti cele mai obraznice fantezii. Daca insa nu esti pregatita sa explorezi satisfactia masturbarii impreuna cu partenerul tau, nu te forta. Asteapta pana te obisnuiesti cu ideea si apoi pune-o in aplicare. Nu ai nimic de pierdut!

S-ar putea sa iti fie de ajutor sa purtati o discutie sincera despre asta. Nu trebuie sa te simti jenata, dimpotriva. Va puteti povesti cand ati inceput fiecare sa va masturbati, unde si cum preferati sa o faceti si ce anume va place si va stimuleaza cu adevarat. Vorbind deschis unul cu altul, vei putea sa iti depasesti tabuurile pe care le ai legate de subiectul asta.

S-ar putea sa te simti ciudat sa va urmariti unul pe altul masturbandu-va la inceput. Dar, daca te simti mai confortabil, poti sa inchizi ochii sau sa ii propui partenerului sa va legati reciproc la ochi.

Impreuna s-ar putea sa dureze mai mult

Masturbarea impreuna se poate face in mai multe feluri. Pentru inceput, puteti sa o faceti cu randul. In timp ce unul dintre voi se masturbeaza, celalalt se poate doar uita. Poate fi foarte excitant si informativ in acelasi timp deoarece ai sansa sa inveti mai multe despre partenerul tau, despre atingerile si ritmul care ii plac.

Pe masura ce incepi sa te simti in largul tau, puteti incerca diferite pozitii si camere. Ai putea sa te masturbezi stand pe un scaun, tolanindu-te pe jos sau chiar calarind masina de spalat. Pe scurt, poti sa o faci oriunde si oricum doresti.

Dupa ce ati exersat o vreme, puteti incepe sa va masturbati concomitent. Astfel, ar trebui sa poti simti energia sexuala dintre voi, chiar daca nu va atingeti. Incercati sa ajungeti la orgasm impreuna. Asta poate fi o sarcina putin mai exigenta din moment ce trebuie sa va observati reciproc reactiile. Daca nu vrei sa vorbesti, concentreaza-te pe limbajul corpului prin care va trebui sa iti dai seama cat de aproape este partenerul tau de orgasm.

Nu exista limite, deci lasa-ti imaginatia sa zburde!

Daca ai impresia ca masturbarea inseamna sa te joci doar cu tine, te putem asigura ca nu poate fi decat de bine daca iti atingi si partenerul in timpul asta. De fapt, il poti mangaia, saruta sau orice altceva care va excita. Ii poti lua mana partenerului si sa o lasi sa alunece peste corpul tau sau chiar sa o folosesti pentru a-ti provoca placere.

Asadar, nu exista limite cand vine vorba de masturbarea impreuna. Daca vrei sa condimentezi putin lucrurile, poti aduce o jucarie sexuala. Masturbarea impreuna este o modalitatea foarte buna de a introduce un vibrator sau alta jucarie in viata voastra sexuala.

Pentru ca masturbarea este inconjurata de prea multe mituri si prejudecati de obicei tindem sa ne bucuram de ea doar atunci cand suntem netulburati de nimeni si nimic. Dar, din moment ce poate fi o asemenea sursa de senzatii magnifice, ar fi chiar placut sa impartasesti experienta cu partenerul tau. Deci, depinde numai de tine sa dai drumul fraielor, sa iti iei partenerul de mana si sa va imbarcati impreuna in minunata calatorie a masturbarii impreuna. Nu vei regreta!


“Iubirea nu inseamna doar trup, din moment ce are in vedere sentimentul, si nu este doar spirit, din moment ce se consuma intre doua trupuri” - Maurice Merleau-Ponty (Elogiul filozofiei si alte eseuri)

deeaDate: Saturday, 2010-10-16, 21:39:19 | Message # 2
Group: Moderators
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Masturbare in doi

Masturbarea se considera in general ca fiind o activitate solitara, probabil cea mai populara si mai frecventa activitate solitara de pe planeta.

Legat de aceasta credinta, sau poate tocmai din cauza acesteia, masturbarea intr-o relatie nu apare prea des. Cu toate acestea, ea nici nu dispare cand incepi o relatie. Iar prin ascunderea faptului ca te masturbezi fata de partener poti rata o oportunitate de comunicare sexuala si o sansa de a-ti imbunatati viata sexuala.

Desi nu s-au realizat multe cercetari, au existat mai multe studii in care au fost intrebati oamenii cu privire la practicile lor de masturbare.

Acesteau au aratat astfel ca oamenii care sunt intr-o relatie nu se masturbeaza semnificativ mai putin decat cei singuri. Totusi, este un mit comun ca masturbarea ar fi doar un substitut pentru un partener sexual si odata ce ai un partener nu mai ai "nevoie" sa te masturbezi.

Indiferent daca suntem sau nu sinceri fata de partenerii nostri in privinta masturbarii, in cercetari recunoastem ca multi dintre noi continuam sa facem din masturbare o parte a vietii nostre, chiar si atunci cand suntem intr-o relatie.


maximusDate: Saturday, 2010-10-16, 21:41:39 | Message # 3
Group: Support
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Masturbation for Two
written by Koi

Masturbation has long been a solo activity for most men and women. This seems to be a very private activity and one that people are not always willing to share with their partners. I know that a lot of partners are threatened by their partners need or desire to masturbate. They usually feel like there is something that they are not providing for their partner or that they are inadequate sexually or don’t sexually satisfy their partner. So rather than have their partners be disappointed or upset they sneak into the bathroom and masturbate privately and hope not to get caught.
Sharing a masturbation experience can be one of the most intimate acts you can experience with your partner. I find that for me it gives me an opportunity to observe my partner and watch his reactions as he masturbates. I don’t feel threatened by his masturbation. Quite often it occurs when I am not really in the mood to do anything about his erection. I enjoy watching him take care of himself – actually I find it very fascinating to tell the truth.

On the other side of the coin is a completely different feeling when I masturbate myself and he watches. It’s that feeling of being caught with one’s hand in the cookie jar that adds a little extra spice to the situation. The fact that someone is watching tends to heighten the sensation for myself. I can easily get lost and imagine that several people are watching me get off.

Mutual masturbation can be done as foreplay to intercourse or it can be done all on it’s own right to orgasm. Either way it can be a lot of fun and create a very intimate session for you and your partner. If you have sex toys that you enjoy playing with they can come in very handy when you are pleasuring each other in this fashion. At times my partner will be masturbating and I will join in by rubbing his balls for him or even sucking them into my mouth. This also works equally well the other way around. I will massage my clitoris while he runs his fingers across the inside of my thighs, dipping into my vagina and rubbing the area around my clitoris. I’ve found it very erotic to have my fingers touching his as they roam across my private parts.

Personally I have found that mutual masturbation is a great activity for those lazy days, when you really don’t want to crawl out of bed at all. This is definitely a great way to wake up! Lying beside each other it’s fairly easy to reach over and run your fingers through his pubic hair or skim your fingers lightly over his balls and cock. As you play you will notice that his cock will arise to the occasion. At this point if he hasn’t already started to work his hands over towards your pussy there’s nothing wrong with grabbing his hand and directing it to your pussy yourself. He’ll get the idea.

Lubrication is always a good idea. If there isn’t enough lubrication then sensitive skin can become chafed and extremely uncomfortable. Now there are many different types of lubrication that you can use. Some of the choices you will make in choosing lubrication might depend on whether or not you’re going to indulge in oral sex afterwards. If this is the case then you want to use something that will at least taste good and not leave a bad taste in your mouth. There are lots of love lotions available from the sex shops that will fill the bill here. If taste isn’t an issue then go with a water-soluble based lubrication. If things start to dry out you just have to add a little bit of moisture to it and you’re all set to go again. If you don’t have any of the lubrication above available then just use what comes naturally which is your saliva and juices that your body produces when you are sexually aroused.

“Meritul nu constă în a fugi de plăcere, ci în a o întrebuinţa pentru a o stăpâni.” Clement din Alexandria, Stromates XI, 20

ninnaDate: Monday, 2013-07-01, 13:11:25 | Message # 4
Group: Support
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Mutual masturbation

Mutual masturbation (also called manual intercourse) involves the manual stimulation of genitals by two or more people who stimulate themselves or one another. This may be done in situations where the participants do not feel ready, physically able, socially at liberty, or simply willing to have full sexual intercourse but still wish to have a mutual sexual act. It is also done as part of the full repertoire of sexual intercourse, where it may be used as an interlude, as foreplay or simply as an alternative to penetration. For some, it is the primary sexual activity of choice above all others.
Mutual masturbation can be practiced by couples of any sexual orientation; it may be used as an alternative to penile-vaginal penetration, to preserve virginity or to prevent pregnancy.
Mutual masturbation might result in one or more of the partners achieving orgasm. If no bodily fluids are exchanged (as is common), mutual masturbation is a form of safe sex, and greatly reduces the risk of transmission of sexual diseases. As such, it was encouraged among gay men by some safer sex organizations in the wake of the AIDS outbreak of the 1980s, as an alternative to anal or oral sex.
In partnered manual genital stroking to reach orgasm or expanded orgasm, both people focus on creating and experiencing an orgasm in one person. Typically, one person lies down pant-less, while his or her partner sits alongside. The partner who is sitting uses his or her hands and fingers (typically with a lubricant) to slowly stroke the clitoris or penis and genitals of the partner. Expanded orgasm as a mutual masturbation technique is said to create orgasm experiences more intense and extensive than what can be described as, or included in the definition of, a regular orgasm. It includes a range of sensations that include orgasms that are full-bodied, and orgasms that last from a few minutes to many hours. The term was coined in 1995 by Patricia Taylor. However, this technique is not without risk of contracting STDs, in particular HIV. A person using his or her finger, with a small wound, to stimulate a woman's genitals could be infected with HIV found in her vagina's fluids; likewise regarding a man's semen containing HIV which could infect a partner who has a small exposed wound on his or her skin.


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deeaDate: Monday, 2013-07-01, 14:00:05 | Message # 5
Group: Moderators
Messages: 361
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