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Forum moderator: yasash, maximus, grandmasterB  
Bent penis
lussyDate: Tuesday, 2010-08-17, 21:24:38 | Message # 1
Group: Moderators
Messages: 498
Awards: 1
Status: Offline
Penisul meu se indoaie. E ceva in neregula cu el?

Un sfert din toate penisurile din lume se indoiaie intr-o directie sau alta, unele chiar si atunci cand sunt in stare de erectie.

Cu exceptia cazului in care indoierea este severa sau iti provoaca durere, nu e nimic in neregula cu penisul tau. Nu ar trebui ca acest lucru sa interfereze cu actul sexual. Unii spun chiar ca penisul usor indoit in jos este mai usor de abordat in timpul felatiei.

In cazuri rare, o afectiune numita sindromul Peyrone poate aparea ca boala a copilariei. Aceasta conditie este cauzata de cicatrici pe unul sau doi corpi carvenosi din penis, afectand eficienta penisului in timpul erectiei si cauzand indoirea acestuia cu aproape 90 de grade intr-o directie sau alta. Daca simti ca ceva asemanator ti s-a intamplat, poate fi cazul sa consulti un urolog.


Juicy Pussy
yasashDate: Tuesday, 2010-08-17, 21:27:39 | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
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Este penisul tau curbat?

Boala numita Peyronie este de obicei cauzata de leziuni ciudate ale penisului si are consecinte extrem de neplacute, in special pentru actul sexual.

Problemele sexuale ale barbatilor sunt mult mai ascunse decat problemele similare intampinate de femei care nu ezita sa-si viziteze ginecologul. In general, mai toti credem ca este practic imposibil pentru barbati sa aiba vreo boala a organelor sexuale.

In plus, barbatii sunt reticenti in a solicita consiliere si ajutor profesionist. Cu toate acestea, problemele lor de sanatate intima exista si afecteaza atat pe cel in cauza, cat si pe partenera acestuia, calitatea vietii lor sexuale si, in cele din urma, calitatea relatiei lor. Sa aruncam o privire la una din bolile cu transmitere sexuala a barbatilor care le poate amari viata sexuala - boala Peyronie.

Ce este Peyronie si de ce este ea cauzata?
Boala Peyronie este o curbare neplacuta si o angulare a penisului erect din cauza careia barbatii nu pot avea relatii sexuale. Placi sau noduli tari se formeaza sub tesut (tunica albuginea) inconjurand corpurile principal erectile (corpora carvernosa), aspect cauzat in mare masura de rani usoare ale tesutului.

Aceste leziuni sunt de obicei un rezultat al unui accident in timpul erectiei - in timpul actului sexual sau prin punerea penisului inapoi in pantaloni intr-o pozitie incomoda atunci cand este inca in stare de erectie. Tesutul ranit nu poate acumula sange si, prin urmare, nu se poate extinde, ceea ce cauzeaza o curbura a penisului. Boala Peyronie afecteaza 2% dintre barbati.

Care sunt semnele bolii Peyronie?
Primele semne ale bolii sunt erectiile dureroase. Uneori, durerea apare inainte de indoire. Se poate intampla ca barbatii sa mearga la culcare cu un penis complet sanatos seara, dar, in dimineata urmatoare, organul sexual sa se indoaie si sa se anguleze atat de mult in erectie incat dintr-odata sunt incapabili sa aiba relatii sexuale.

Cat de grava poate fi boala?
In erectie, penisul poate fi la fel de indoit precum un tirbuson - aceasta este faza cea mai grava. Pe de alta parte, uneori este greu de remarcat indoirea si astfel nu exista nici un motiv de ingrijorare, deoarece nu are nici un efect asupra capacitatii barbatului de a avea relatii sexuale.

Cum putem trata boala Peyronie?
Durerea si indoirea cauzata de boala Peyronie in forma sa cea mai usoara se vindeca fara nici un tratament in decurs de aproximativ doua sau trei luni. Totusi, indoirea penisului se trateaza de obicei cu preparare injectabile in placile formate. Comprimate de vitamina E si o crema prescrisa de medic pot fi, de asemenea, eficiente.

In unele cazuri, tesutul afectat este inlaturat chirurgical, ceea ce poate duce la complicatii. De exemplu, ca urmare a operatiei chirurgicale, barbatii pot dezvolta disfunctii erectie. In cazuri foarte rare, se introduce o proteza daca este necesara. Pentru cei mai multi pacienti, cu toate acestea, este doar o procedura de rutina, dupa care pot parasi spitalul in aceeasi zi, iar organele lor sexuale incep sa functioneze normal in sase-opt saptamani.

Este recomandat sa mergi la medicul personal sau un urolog in orice stadiu al bolii pentru a putea sa te ajute cu aceasta afectiune incovenienta.


“Iubirea nu inseamna doar trup, din moment ce are in vedere sentimentul, si nu este doar spirit, din moment ce se consuma intre doua trupuri” - Maurice Merleau-Ponty (Elogiul filozofiei si alte eseuri)

grandmasterBDate: Wednesday, 2013-07-10, 13:40:42 | Message # 3
Group: Moderators
Messages: 520
Awards: 1
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bent cock ts


yasashDate: Wednesday, 2013-07-10, 13:43:26 | Message # 4
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1431
Awards: 5
Status: Offline
cuie indoite


“Iubirea nu inseamna doar trup, din moment ce are in vedere sentimentul, si nu este doar spirit, din moment ce se consuma intre doua trupuri” - Maurice Merleau-Ponty (Elogiul filozofiei si alte eseuri)

riddickDate: Friday, 2013-07-12, 23:49:41 | Message # 5
Group: Administrators
Messages: 581
Awards: 1
Status: Offline
side curve


Alea iacta est !
ninnaDate: Saturday, 2013-07-13, 17:21:04 | Message # 6
Group: Support
Messages: 415
Awards: 3
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crosa de hochei


yasashDate: Saturday, 2015-01-17, 16:30:05 | Message # 7
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1431
Awards: 5
Status: Offline
The Left Pointing Penis 05

Here is the example Left Pointing Penis for this blog entry.

Superimposed on this picture is the centerline of the pubic bone which is the path the penis would lie on if it was straight.

Only a very short section of the base of this penis lies along the centerline of the pubic bone.

The entire remainder of the penis is part of a curve to the left.

The picture below compares the example penis from the first entry in this series to the current example penis.

While there is quite a bit of discrepancy in the lengths, the lower portion of both penises is mostly straight,

while the remainder of both penises then curve to the left.

Theoretical section
( This theoretical section is repeated for every example penis. If you have read this theoretical section in another example, you can skip over this repetition of the theory and go straight to the observations about the example penis on this page. )
Why does the penis in this example look like this? Is it genetics? Was this man born with a penis that is mostly straight?
According to Happeh Theory, an explanation for the direction the penis points can be provided by The Double Cylinder View of the Human body. According to the Double Cylinder View of the Human body, the human body can be treated as two cylinders located as shown in the picture below.

For this explanation, it is necessary to use an overhead view of The Double Cylinder View of the human body, as shown below.

 The picture above shows the two cylinders of The Double Cylinder View of the Human Body side by side. There is a red rectangle sticking straight out from the center of the two cylinders. The rectangle is meant to represent the penis.
According to Happeh Theory, the direction of the penis is determined by the condition of the double cylinders. When each cylinder is in it’s normal and proper orientation that it is designed to be in, the penis should stick straight out from the body like the rectangle in the picture above.
According to Happeh Theory, masturbation will cause one or both of the cylinders in the picture above to rotate. Because the direction of the penis is dependent on the orientation of each cylinder, if the orientation of one or both of the cylinders changes, the orientation or direction that the penis points must also change.
There are six possible rotations of the two cylinders. Both cylinders can rotate the same direction as shown below.

 The right cylinder can rotate to the right or the left, while the left cylinder remains stationary.

 And the left cylinder can rotate right and left, while the right cylinder remains stationary.

Here is the example Left Pointing Penis again.

The penis in the picture above points to the left. In the previous examples of the possible rotations of The Double Cylinder View of the Human Body, both cylinders turning left causes the penis to point to the left, the left cylinder turning right makes the penis point to the left, and the right cylinder turning right makes the penis point to the left.
The picture below compares the example penis to the three possible rotations of the two cylinders listed above.

What the picture above is saying, is that the example penis is pointing to the left, because the two cylinders within the body have rotated in one of the ways shown above. A full body picture of the body a particular penis is attached to, is usually required to determine which of the cylinder rotations above is the one that forced the penis to point to the left.
One clue that can help determine which body cylinder has been changed is to note the fact the right foot is further forwards,

than the left foot. 

The fact that the man’s penis points to the left and his left foot is to the rear of his right foot make it likely it is the left cylinder of the body that has changed. The left cylinder should be of a smaller diameter, because a decrease in diameter of the left cylinder would pull the left foot back from it’s equal position with the right foot, and a decrease in diameter of the left cylinder would make the penis curve to the left.
Other observations that can be made are that the body is slanted to the right rear,

 while the feet slant to the left rear.

Those two observations might be confusing. If the left hip is to the front, shouldn’t the left foot also be to the front ? If the right hip is to the rear, shouldn’t the right foot also be to the rear?
Those two observations make perfect sense though if the left cylinder of the body did decrease in diameter. Since the left cylinder could be viewed as something that kept the foot separated from the back, any decrease in it’s diameter would bring the foot and back closer to each other. 


“Iubirea nu inseamna doar trup, din moment ce are in vedere sentimentul, si nu este doar spirit, din moment ce se consuma intre doua trupuri” - Maurice Merleau-Ponty (Elogiul filozofiei si alte eseuri)

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