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Forum moderator: yasash, maximus, grandmasterB  
Penis Enlargement Tools
yasashDate: Wednesday, 2013-01-30, 14:46:57 | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1431
Awards: 5
Status: Offline
Penis Enlargement Tools

1. Penis Master

First impression

The Penis Master is a traction device that has been proven to lengthen your dick. They’ve tested it on thousands of men around the world and hundreds of thousands more have ordered the product. They offer a money back guarantee and a three year warranty so they clearly believe in their product. The tour is well organized and it offers you all the information you need to make a sound buying decision. Unlike most companies that sell this type of product they also put the how-to videos on the site so you know exactly what you’re buying and how it works.

Hot promises

In short they promise that you’ll become the man your lady wants you to be. Traction devices have been proven to lengthen the penis and they make that very clear. The average user of the Penis Master gains 1-3 inches in length and a little in girth. If you use it in concert with the JelQ Device this same company produces you’ll see a significant increase in girth as well. They’ve got you covered in every area.

How does it work?

When the device arrives you’ll have to assemble it using the parts included. It’s a simple matter of putting the rods in the right place. As your penis grows you can add more rods to keep increasing your length. You place the device over the penis until it is snug against the pubic bone and then you place the fastening belt on the penis to the tightness that feels comfortable. Don’t squeeze it too hard! Then you secure the penis to the support plate and clip the support place to the traction rods. Finally you’re ready to go and you apply tension to the traction rods to get the stretching started. The tissues in your penis are forced to stretch and get larger over time and eventually they stay that way permanently, puffing up to their enlarged state every time you have an erection.

What does it cost?

If you were to order the Penis Master on its own you would pay $199.95. That’s industry standard for this type of device. In fact, there are some that charge twice as much for what is essentially the same thing so it’s a relative bargain. If you purchase the previously mentioned JelQ Device with the Penis Master you’ll play $259.95. The most expensive package costs $299.95 and it includes the two devices as well as Enlargel, a topical ointment that you rub on your penis to promote the growth of the tissues. All three used together form a potent penis enlargement cocktail.


The Penis Master is a traction device that has been proven to lengthen your penis 1-3 inches. If you purchase the two other products this company makes you’re practically assured of a successful dick lengthening. This is also one of the most reasonably priced traction devices on the market so if you feel confident enough to put your dick in a device like this ��“ and there’s no reason you shouldn’t be ��“ then I recommend you try this one.


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“Iubirea nu inseamna doar trup, din moment ce are in vedere sentimentul, si nu este doar spirit, din moment ce se consuma intre doua trupuri” - Maurice Merleau-Ponty (Elogiul filozofiei si alte eseuri)

grandmasterBDate: Wednesday, 2013-01-30, 20:00:19 | Message # 2
Group: Moderators
Messages: 520
Awards: 1
Status: Offline
2. X4 Labs Penis Extender

First impression

At the very top of the page for the X4 Penis Extender there’s a penis size calculator. You can input your current size and the length of time you plan on using the device to get an estimated growth. If you currently have a six inch penis and you use the device for 12 months you’ll end up with nine inches of dick between your legs. That’s a tremendous amount of growth and that’s a tremendous penis. This device is an extender like you’ve probably seen before but they change things up a little by offering you three different comfort options so you can choose the treatment you want (more on that later).

Hot promises

Obviously they promise you a far lengthier penis and that’s the most important element here. On top of greater length they promise you greater thickness and as you know most ladies really want the thickness more than the length. If you suffer from Peyronie’s disease, which is a curved penis, it can correct that as well (at least in most cases). The X4 Penis Extender is also the only one I’ve seen that’s a certified medical device. That they went to such lengths to get it certified means that they really believe in the device and in the notion that it will work for you.

How does it work?

A penis extension device works by stretching the soft tissues in your penis so much that they’re forced to expand to fill the now open area. You keep your dick in the traction device for several hours a day and over a few months you’ll see a distinct difference in size. There are no side effects because you’re not putting anything into your body and the device is doing nothing more than stretching you out. The X4 Penis Extender is different from other devices because they have combined both typical versions of the penis extender into one dual use system. Normally there’s a 1 inch wide silicone comfort strap or the classic noose to keep your dick in place. Both can be comfortable but they’ve decided to give you the choice by bringing them together in one device.

What does it cost?

There are several different packages available to you. The starter package costs $200 and features the extender unit, an instructional DVD, a book on penis health and a 1 year warranty. If you suffer from Peyronie’s disease or you’re specifically looking for a girthier penis then you can buy the girth edition or the Peyronie’s edition for $350 each. The device is built specifically to address your needs in those cases so look carefully at the packages if you’re interested. If you buy the gold edition for roughly $400 you get the penis extender, 4 of each backup part (most editions have 1), a deluxe storage case, a gift card to 4X Labs, a lifetime warranty and a 6 month satisfaction guarantee. The gold deluxe addition for just under $500 includes all of that and two better sex DVDs, the girth edition of the device, free shipping and a few other things you should look into.


One of the biggest issues with penis extension devices is comfort. If it doesn’t feel right on your penis then you’re not going to use it. You don’t want to be in pain or discomfort when you’re trying to extend your cock. The X4 Penis Extender is the solution to that as they’ve combined both current comfort options into one. You can purchase the base unit for a very reasonable $200 or you can upgrade to the top of the line deluxe package for $500. That way you’re able to determine how much you’d like to invest. It’s a device well worth looking into.


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yasashDate: Wednesday, 2013-01-30, 21:37:31 | Message # 3
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1431
Awards: 5
Status: Offline
3. Size Pro System

First impression

Some penis enhancement systems have you taking pills and doing exercises. Others have you using a traction device to stretch your penis and get the tissues to duplicate and expand its size. The Size Pro System combines both to give you the ultimate tool for fighting the curse of a small penis. If you feel as though you’re not well endowed enough then you might want to consider this program, especially since they charge a reasonable amount for what’s being given. There’s a lot of information on the site and it’s all very convincing so it’s certainly worth a visit on your part.

Hot promises

The most important thing is that they guarantee 1-3 inches of growth in your penis and that’s as much or more than any other program. They also promise that you’ll be girthier and if you read about what women want in the bedroom most of them are yearning for more girth. Something about the thickness really does it for them. You’ll last longer in bed, which is something I believe the pills take care of. I can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t want to last longer in the sack so this one is pretty important too. Your penis head will be bigger, your prostate will be healthier and you’ll be far more confident. Women respond to confidence more than anything else so it’s important to invest in.

How does it work?

There are three parts to the Size Pro System. The first is the traction device. You attach is to your penis and then essentially stretch it out. It pulls it both length-wise and girth-wise and it’s totally painless. When you first see the device you might imagine that it’s going to be uncomfortable but you have nothing to fear. The tissues in your penis eventually expand to fill the space caused by the stretching and just like that you have a larger dick. The pills also increase your size but their main benefit is in sexual performance. Your erections will be rock hard, you’ll shoot a bigger load and you’ll feel far more confident. They also help you last longer. Finally there’s the online exercise program that gives you techniques for making your penis stronger and longer. Put it all together and you have one of the most penis enlargement programs on the web.

What does it cost?

The deluxe package includes everything mentioned above as well as a user guide and a growth chart. The total stated value is $799 and they’re selling it to you for only $389.95. It’s a pretty good deal when you consider that some sites sell their traction device for that much. Here you’re getting a 2 month supply of the pills and access to the site that will help you maintain your growth and erection strength. If you want you can also purchase the traction device on its own for $299. It’s not as good a deal but some of you won’t need or want the pills so it’s nice that they offer an alternative.


The Size Pro System is one of the few in the world to offer you both pills and an extension device in one package. If you purchase the deluxe package they also give you access to a website that shows you all the penis exercises you need to maintain a healthy and hard dick. For $389.95 you can have it all and you’re free to access it as you see fit. I recommend you have a look at the website at the very least just to check it all out.


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“Iubirea nu inseamna doar trup, din moment ce are in vedere sentimentul, si nu este doar spirit, din moment ce se consuma intre doua trupuri” - Maurice Merleau-Ponty (Elogiul filozofiei si alte eseuri)

grandmasterBDate: Thursday, 2013-01-31, 23:12:30 | Message # 4
Group: Moderators
Messages: 520
Awards: 1
Status: Offline
4. Pro Extender

First impression

At the Pro Extender site they call the device a medical miracle and it’s hard not to agree with them. Don’t you think it’s something of a miracle that they’re able to extend the size of a penis? I can’t help but think that it’s one of the most amazing things I’ve ever heard of. This particular device has a great site where they’re keen on presenting you with as much visual information as possible. There are lots of before and after pictures as well as animations of how the device works and how your penis will look in it. Did you know that Pro Extender is recommended by physicians in 29 countries? That’s pretty spectacular stuff.

Hot promises

The Pro Extender offers you a great solution to small penis syndrome. The traction device is one of the only penis lengthening systems to have any science behind it and it’s pretty amazing to see it in action. The testimonials are the best place to see what they promise as they show actual pictures of people using the device and the differences in length they’ve experienced. In some cases it’s utterly amazing. The Pro Extender can also increase your girth and as you probably know women are more concerned with girth than anything else. Also, if you suffer from a crooked or curved penis they can correct that as well.

How does it work?

You place your penis through the opening in the Pro Extender and slide it all the way to the end where you strap it in. You tighten the strap around your penis and then you slide the device to the desired length. They provide you instructions on how far to slide it with the package you receive after purchasing. However, the device is only one part of the Pro Extender system. The second step is the penis enhancement pills. They’re a natural supplement that has shown the ability to increase your penis size and your stamina in sex. The third step is the volume increaser pills that help you shoot a thicker, larger load of cum. Finally there’s a penis exercise DVD that will complete your enlargement regimen. All of that combined delivers the ultimate experience.

What does it cost?

There are four purchasing options. The first is the original Pro Extender and a cardboard carrying case for $299.95. The deluxe Pro Extender comes with a mahogany box and costs $399.95. Both options only include the extender and none of the pills or the exercise DVD. For those you have to upgrade to the Pro Extender System. It’s $329.95 for the original and $429.95 for the deluxe. The system is the best value as you get all of those bonus items for only $30 more. You can order by phone, mail, fax or by using the online form and your package will be discreetly shipped.


If you’re serious about enlarging your penis then it seems like you should hit the widest area, by which I mean you should buy something that encompasses all the current options. The Pro Extender system gives you an extension device as well as penis pills, volume pills and a DVD that shows you specific exercises to strengthen your erections and enlarge your dick. Having a larger penis will give you greater confidence and nothing will make you more attractive to the ladies.

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yasashDate: Friday, 2013-02-01, 14:02:38 | Message # 5
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1431
Awards: 5
Status: Offline
5. Pompa De Marire a Penisului BathMate

Marirea Penisului vizibila in doar 15 minute. Diverse metode pentru marirea penisului va fac sa va intrebati daca este real, posibil? Exista metode eficiente si sigure pentru alungirea penisului?

Penisul este un organ cu o structura complexa, fiind alcatuit din niste tesuturi numite tesuturi erectile.
Aceste tesuturi au rolul de a se umple cu sange, crescand in volum si provocand erectia. Majoritatea barbatilor nu sunt multumiti de marimea penisului lor, acest lucru fiind sustinut de o atitudine psihica negativa.
Insa ceea ce barbatii nu stiu este ca penisul nu este dezvoltat la adevarata lui marime.
De aceea noi va venim in ajutor informadu-va despre aparate eficiente ce permit cresterea penisului!
Bathmate este ceea ce v-ati dorit, este aparatul care va ajuta sa scapati de griji si sa va recapatati increderea in sine. Mai mult decat atat preturile mari nu mai sunt o problema, nu e nevoie sa mai folositi metode care nu dau rezultate, nu e nevoie sa apelati la metode chirurgicale ce necesita recuperarea pe o perioada lunga de timp.
Bathmate este aparatul pe care l-ati asteptat atata timp, solutia ce va rezolva problemele garantat si sigur!
Cu Bathmate marirea penisului se poate realiza confortabil, intr-un interval de 15-20 de minute in fiecare zi, pe o perioada de 6 saptamani. Rezultatele se obtin usor si sigur, observandu-se un penis ferm, sanatos.
Dupa cum bine stiti, orice organ al corpului daca este folosit indeajuns de mult poate creste.
Cu Bathmate veti avea penisul mult dorit intr-un termen scurt.

Oameni din intreaga lume utilizeaza Bathmate, inaintand catre succesul maririi penisului. Acest aparat revolutionar va ofera o garantie de 100% in ceea ce priveste o viata sexuala imbunatatita.
Interventiile chirurgicale sunt riscante, exercitiile-miraj sunt doar povesti ce trebuie uitate. Ele nu fac altceva decat sa va consume din timpul dumneavoastra, si va fac sa pierdeti bani fara a avea nici un rezultat.
BATHMATE este SIGUR! Pompa pentru marirea penisului este solutia mult asteptata de catre barbati, ce ii ajuta sa-si recapete increderea in sine, ce ii ajuta sa isi rezolve problemele sexuale, garantandu-le rezultate sigure.
Marirea Penisului inseamna Erectii Puternice, iar Erectii Puternice inseamna Viata Sexuala Activa!

Inca din 2006 am avut numai succese in randul barbatilor ce si-au dorit marirea penisului. Ei au avut curajul sa incerce si acelasi lucru il poti face si tu. In urma a mai multor teste clinice, produsul a ajuns cu usurinta in industria maririi penisului cu pompa.

Mai bine de un milion de oameni au incercat acest produs si au fost multumiti de rezultatele eficiente. Folosind cu incredere aparatul va veti convinge de eficienta lui. Nu ai cum sa pierzi! Este suficient sa-ti doresti un penis mai mare si sa ai incredere in noi.

BathMate va ofera un penis mai lung, mentinandu-va sanatatea sexuala in forma maxima.

Un Penis mai gros - Multe femei isi doresc partenerul perfect si cum altfel decat avand parte de un act sexual satisfacator.
Incredere in sine – Penisul va deveni mai gros si mai lung creand un aspect masculin puternic.
Erectii mai Puternice - Pe masura ce creste sanatatea sexuala, puteti fi sigur de erectii puternice de fiecare data (indiferent de varsta!)
Uitati de impotenta - Blocheaza impotenta si acele situatii deranjante
Orgasme mai puternice – Odata cu cresterea penisului va creste si intensitatea orgasmelor dumneavoastra.
Stoparea ejacularilor premature! – Continuati cat timp va doriti si va satisfaceti partenera 100%
Vitalitate extraordinara – TU DECIZI CAND AI AJUNS LA APOGEU

Cu siguranta fiecare barbat doreste sa faca o schimbare in viata lui in ceea ce priveste marimea penisului! Chiar si tu poti lua ACUM o decizie in acest sens!
Cu Bathmate, viata ta se poate schimba RADICAL, avand sansa de a fi barbatul dorit de toate femeile!


Cum sa folositi Bathmate in cada?

1) Umpleţi cada cu apa.

2) În momentul în care sunteţi în cadă introduceţi Bathmate sub apă până când se umple complet şi apoi introduceţi penisul în interior, în timp ce pompa încă mai este în apă.

3) Apăsaţi Bathmate înspre baza penisului de mai multe ori creînd astfel vid. Ar trebui să simţiţi cum creşte presiunea în interior. Surplusul de apă va fi eliminată de presiunea creată prin valva de deasupra pompei. Va trebui să apăsaţi pompa de 4, 5 ori până când nu va mai ieşi apă prin valva de eliberare a presiunii.

4) În momentul în care nu mai puteţi mişca mânerul în sus şi în jos, relaxaţi-vă timp de 5 minute. În momentul acesta a fost atins nivelul de vid optim.

5) La fiecare 4, 5 minute încercaţi pompa din nou. În timp ce penisul dumneavoastră se extinde asta va forţa excesul de apă de deasupra să se elimine. Dar veţi atinge un moment în care nu veţi putea ajunge la mai mult vid.

6) Pompaţi Bathmate până la nivelul de vid necesar. Acesta este momentul când nu mai iese apă , chiar dacă forţaţi pompa.

7) Dacă simţiţi că presiunea este prea mare, eliberaţi puţin din presiune prin valva de deasupra. Aşa se va elibera puţin din presiune. După 15-20 min eliberaţi presiunea apăsând butonul de eliberare a presiunii de deasupra pompei Bathmate. Faceţi acest procedeu stând în picioare pentru a vedea rezultatele imediat. NU VEŢI FI DEZAMĂGIT!

8) Noi vă recomandăm sesiuni de 15-20 de minute. Folosiţi pompa maxim o dată pe zi dar nu mai puţin de 3 ori pe săptămână.

9) Folositi pompa pe parcursul unei zile o singura data, insa nu mai putin de trei ori pe saptamana pentru a obtine cele mai bune rezultate.

Cum sa folositi Bathmate sub dus?

Bathmate poate fi folosit fără probleme atât în duş cât şi în cadă, având posibilitatea să vă măriţi penisul cum vă este dumneavoastră mai convenabil.

1. Umpleţi Bathmate cu apă de la duş.

2. Susţineţi pompa pentru a vă asigura că nu există pierderi de apă.

3. Introduceţi penisul în interiorul Bathmate şi apăsaţi aparatul spre baza organului pentru a bloca aerul.

4. Continuaţi duşul, eliberaţi mâinile şi folosiţi-le pentru a vă spăla. Creşteţi presiunea dacă este necesar.

5. După 15 minute apăsaţi butonul de eliberare a presiunii situate deasupra pompei pentru a elimina apa.

6) Continuaţi duşul bucurându-vă de noua formă a penisului dumneavoastră.

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“Iubirea nu inseamna doar trup, din moment ce are in vedere sentimentul, si nu este doar spirit, din moment ce se consuma intre doua trupuri” - Maurice Merleau-Ponty (Elogiul filozofiei si alte eseuri)

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