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Forum moderator: yasash, deea  
Nudism & Naturism
yasashDate: Monday, 2013-02-18, 23:34:17 | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 1431
Awards: 5
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Top 10 Misconceptions About Nudism

Nudism (naturalism) has been a center of attraction forever – be it the sidelong, scandalized glares or the welcoming, liberal brouhaha around it – Nudism, let’s face is famous, or infamous. Whether you like it or not is irrelevant, fact is: you cannot ignore it.

So here’s a list of myths that have been built around nudism over time. What is not openly understood, is mostly classified ‘exotic’, ‘occult’ or even as some other “not so-very-cool” names.

Let’s explore some of more famous misconceptions surrounding Nudism – the lifestyle.

Misconception No 1: Nudists ‘do it’ everywhere

Come on, really?! This is probably the most hyped and belligerent of all Nudism misconceptions – that they do it everywhere. Needless to say, it’s so not the truth.
Truth however is: Anyplace where Nudism is practised, any exhibitionist and voyeuristic practise is ‘strictly’ prohibited. Anyone who flouts these rules is immediately expelled – and never allowed to re-enter. A nudist resort does not allow any more explicit sexual activity than any other public setting.

Now – you’re a little more enlightened. But there’s more…

Misconception No 2: Nudism has just one primary goal: Sexual Stimulation

So there goes the second one! Most people who try nudism are surprised – and they really are – at the lack of absolute sexual arousal. Granted there may be instances where this is not true – but for those who try nudism for holistic purposes and not as another sex game – the above is true. We promise.

Look at it this way – from a nudist point of view, one tends to feel more arousal/attraction in a pool where people are dressed in bathing suits owing to strips of clothes trying to hide body parts that draw attraction. But when you’re nude, and so is everyone, you tend to notice less!

Misconception No 3: All Nudists are super hotties!

Now that’s just plain dumb propaganda. Are all lawyers hot? Or all accountants? You’ve really got to hit the internet to look for not-so-airbrushed pictures of celebrities to find that not even all celebrities are real life hotties!

Nudists have all kind of bodies – just like people in real life do. There are varied shapes and sizes and girths. There are toned muscles as there is flab.

Nudism my friends, ain’t no beauty contest!

Misconception No 4: Nudism is: Just for adults!

Actually no. Considering those who practise it as a life style, nudism welcomes families to bring their kids along. And given this, let’s not forget to note that children are the most enthusiastic nudists because they’ve haven’t yet been fully initiated into the ‘feeling shame’ business.

However, children are allowed only when they are accompanied by their parents or guardians and there is a strict look out for anyone who may be trying to take advantage of the children. Thank goodness for that!

Misconception No 5: Nudists stay sans clothes – all the freaking time!

Ok. Maybe there is some truth to this one. Nudists do prefer to stay sans clothes as much as possible, resorting to clothing only when the weather is too cool etc. Nudist kids who aren’t toilet trained yet are required to wear swim shorts or diapers in a pool.

Misconception No 6: Nudists are depraved sexual deviant weirdoes.

That’s simply spiteful to say in the least. Nudists are an extremely open people – believe it or not, that’s what Nudism is about – openness, in more forms than just one.
Nudists are regular people who like their birthday suits more than average people do, that’s all. In fact they are as repulsed by pornography or sexual immorality as may be someone who doesn’t practise Nudism at all.

Misconception No 7: Nudists are asexual.

So some people believe that since nudists treat nudism as “so-not-sexual-thing”, they’re completely off sex! That’s just — well, not true.

Nudists have sex too. Like everyone else. They have children. It’s just that they do not include their sexual activities in their life styles for two reasons: one, they don’t want to corrupt the healthy nudist family environment they try to create, and two – they don’t want the world outside to attach the sex-stigma to nudism. Something that most people are ready to believe about Nudism anyway!

Misconception No 8: Nudists have absolutely no sense of privacy at all!

Let us throw a question at you: Just because you’re nude in bathroom do you lose all of your sense of privacy? No, right? So the Nudists play nude wherever they do – but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a sense of privacy. In fact Nudists are camera shy and shy to most of the world outside in general.

In most Nudist setting taking pictures is prohibited and taking pictures of children is also very strictly forbidden!

Misconception No 9: Nudism is illegal.

So most people think that places where Nudism is practised are hubs of sexual voyeurism and deviancy and such places are kept a secret for allowing this lifestyle in fear of law agencies tracking and prosecuted them.

Well, can’t speak for every Nudist facility in the world, but in most places laws do not target nudism. In most countries being nude in a public place is an offence and law agencies generally treat nudist venues as being exempt from the law since the venue is kept out of public view and anyone who visits the venue explicitly agrees to get nude.

However there are places where this misconception is an actual truth: Nudism is officially prohibited in the State of Arkansas… and Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq.

Misconception No 10: Nudism are aliens and the mother ship is resting somewhere in Texas!

For a world that has its set of conspiracy theory enthusiasts, Nudists have their fair share of ‘Who are the Nudists, really?’ – stories doing the rounds.
But that’s ok. As long as the Nudists know what they’re doing and why they’re doing it, it doesn’t matter where the mother ship is resting – or not.


“Iubirea nu inseamna doar trup, din moment ce are in vedere sentimentul, si nu este doar spirit, din moment ce se consuma intre doua trupuri” - Maurice Merleau-Ponty (Elogiul filozofiei si alte eseuri)

deeaDate: Wednesday, 2013-03-27, 14:50:13 | Message # 2
Group: Moderators
Messages: 361
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Trei sfaturi pentru o partidă de sex în natură

Pentru a diversifica viaţa amoroasă, uneori un cuplu trebuie să părăsească dormitorul sau casa. Cele mai des întâlnite partide de sex în locuri... inedite, au loc în natură. Înainte de a vă arunca în valurile extazului, ar trebui să aveţi în vedere câteva sfaturi, deoarece sexul în natură nu e aşa de simplu precum vedeţi la televizor.

1. Alegeţi un loc ferit

Probabil nu v-aţi gândit să se întâmple pe spaţiul verde din faţa blocului, dar nici la iarbă verde nu sunteţi complet feriţi de ochii curioşilor. Alegeţi un loc cât mai izolat, pentru ca să nu riscaţi să se uite cineva ciudat la voi sau să ajungeţi pe cine ştie ce site obscur, filmaţi cu telefonul.

2. Pentru femei: purtaţi fustă

Partidele de sex în natură au loc, de cele mai multe ori, vara. Totuşi, e mai dificil să aruncaţi de pe voi toate hainele, aşa că e cel mai bine ca partenera să poarte fustă sau rochie, deoarece e mai practic şi nu trebuie să se dezbrace complet.

3. Aduceţi o pătură

Iarba sau nisipul nu sunt aşa de comode. Pământul e tare, prin iarbă se plimbă tot felul de gângănii, iar nisipul, în cazul în care se întâmplă pe plajă, e foarte deranjant şi iritant. Astfel, cel mai bine ar fi să aveţi la voi o pătură sau, dacă nu, să folosiţi o poziţie care să nu necesite să staţi jos.


nykoDate: Thursday, 2013-03-28, 23:29:52 | Message # 3
Group: VIP
Messages: 160
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Status: Offline
Poziţii incitante în care să faci sex în natură

A venit vara iar timpul liber şi vremea frumoasă îţi permite să-ţi faci de cap. Dacă horomnii încep să zburde în tine când eşti afară, dar departe de ochii curioşilor, iar lângă tine e persoana potrivită, poţi să o pui de o partidă de amor. Pentru ca să nu fie incomod şi neplăcut, află care sunt cele mai potrivite poziţii în care poţi face sex în locurile mai mult sau mai puţin... publice.

1. Linguriţa

Dacă eşti la camping cu prietenii şi dormiţi în cort, nu vă trebuie decât un sac de dormit. Şi eventual să nu faceţi prea multă gălăgie. Cea mai bună poziţie în care puteţi să faceţi sex e "linguriţa", când amândoi staţi culcaţi pe o parte, iar femeia stă cu spatele la iubitul ei.

2. Prinde copacul

Aţi ieşit la plimbare, la iarbă verde sau aţi plecat să vă plimbaţi departe de gălăgia din oraş. Nu aveţi nevoie de pătură dacă vreţi să faceţi sex şi nici nu trebuie să vă aşezaţi pe jos. Nu vă trebuie decât un... copac. Femeia va cuprinde copacul cu braţele, stând cu spatele la partener, iar mai departe sigur vă descurcaţi voi.

3. Poziţia cortului

Dacă nu e nici un copac prin zonă puteţi să vă jucaţi de-a... cortul. Ea va sta cu mâinile pe pământ, aplecată în faţă, formând un fel de... cupolă, ca un cort, iar iubitul o va cuprinde cu braţele, pe la spate, de mijloc, pentru a o susţine.

4. Cară sacul

E o poziţie pe care o puteţi încerca oriunde. Nu trebuie să vă aşezaţi sau să vă sprijiniţi de nimic. Bărbatul îşi ia în braţe partenera, care îl prinde de mijloc pe acesta cu picioarele, iar mai departe, el o va căra pur şi simplu, ca pe un sac. Mişcarea este mai degrabă de... scuturare: jos, sus.


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